Change ahead

(For Dutch version click here)

There is a big change ahead for me, Liesbeth (my wife) and Jona (our son). Figuratively speaking I'm writing this blog from a train - a big and cumbersome one - that is finally starting to pick up speed. The train's name is "emigration" and its destination is Curacao...

The plan started to materialize in the beginning of 2017. Liesbeth applied for a job at the hospital of Willemstad. For her, this was a renewed acquaintance; she worked there in the nineties. In the spring she was accepted for the job. I am planning to found my own business and deliver services in the field of training and development.

The last four years I have worked extensively with expats. It has shown me from close by that moving abroad can be done. Now that it's personal, however, it's a different experience of course. All kinds of emotions pass by; curiosity, worries and hope to name a few. The fact that this change also affects my son works increases its gravity.

A new beginning also means letting go what you think you know. I've never been to Curacao; in October I will be there for the first time. Our plan is to move somewhere around this year's end. Until that time there is much to do; sort out the stuff that we've been accumulating the last twenty years, sell our apartment, found my business, get a new place to live, arrange school and daycare, the move itself... nevertheless, I am going to try to share my experiences through this blog.

And who knows, see you on Curacao?


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